About Us

NCG Warehouse Solutions (Pvt) Ltd

NCG Warehouse Solutions (Pvt) Ltd or NWS for short, is a subsidiary of Lyceum Global conglomerate. NCWS streamlines purchasing, logistics, and warehouse management through the Lyceum Global conglomerate. NWS currently boasts over 30,000 sqft of combined storage space and a fleet of heavy vehicles islandwide. NWS works on centralizing the supply chain functions islandwide.

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Value for money

The organization must manage funds efficiently and economically when procuring goods and services. This may include conducting cost-benefit analyses and risk assessments. Low cost does not necessarily equate to greater value; characteristics such as quality and durability also factor into determining whether the purchase represents value for money


Procurement should not provide preferential treatment to individuals or suppliers. All bids should be assessed objectively, based on how well they meet the organization’s needs.


Organizations should seek competitive bids from multiple suppliers, unless there are specific reasons not to do so, such as a sole-source provider where the good or service is only available from a single vendor


Procurement processes must be carried out efficiently to help maximize value and avoid delays.


Organizations should make relevant procurement information available to everyone, including the public and suppliers. Information should be kept confidential only when there are legal or other valid reasons to do so.


Those who practice public procurement should always strive to be perceived as trustworthy, reliable, honest, and responsible. Funds must be used for their intended purpose and in the public interest.


People involved in the procurement process are accountable for their actions and decisions. They are required to report procurement activities accurately, including any errors.